Hardly seems worth reliving this. The defense, for all its faults, was again good enough to win. Tennessee's offense had its worst game other than Purdue. Unfortunately, they play pretty good defense themselves and we decided to help out by abandoning that whole passing and teamwork business.
A few interesting notes:

A few interesting notes:
- Our assisted-basket ratio has taken a plunge after the Arizona game. It wasn't that great to begin with -- we've met or exceeded the national average only once so far. We rank #289 at this point.
- We need to get better at making three-pointers to open up defenses. Only 31% of our shots are threes (#289) and we make them rarely enough that only 20% of our points come from threes (#334). We have five guys who have taken more than 2 attempts per game and only Dorn is matching the national average. The six players with 10 or more attempts are collectively shooting 26.5%. This is so bad and so unexpected, considering their histories, that it is bound to improve. History suggests that the upper limit of improvement will still be below the national average (close to 35%), but getting close will help us a lot.
- We are below average in shooting 2-point jumpers as well. We have been getting a very high percentage of our shots at the rim, and making close to two-thirds of them, which disguises our issues getting points elsewhere. If we can continue to do that, great. But Northern Iowa and Tennessee shut us down at the rim pretty effectively and forced us into more shots outside the restricted area. Perhaps more passing and movement...