While I hate the fact that EweNC is in the final 4, the irony of this does not escape. The NCAA, by waiting so long to impose sanctions against them, has actually created a public scathing of the Holes that will continue to go on and on until the title game is a vague memory. This is a juicy tidbit for those of us who know the inside story on EweNC, and is wakening the public even more than before because of the affront caused by the two most calloused programs currently in basketball are on center stage right now. Additionally, Ole Roy continues to say his program is not under scrutiny or involved in the scandal in any way. How dumb does he think the knowledgable public can be?
Here are some great excerpts from this fair and balanced article.
"Secretly, perhaps even subconsciously, N.C.A.A. officials must have been rooting against a North Carolina-Syracuse matchup in the men’s Final Four. Any two teams but those. Any.
The organization must be cringing because while a Tar Heels-Orange national semifinal features two classic programs in a classic matchup, it also guarantees that an unwanted guest — academic fraud — will be front and center on its biggest stage."
"Paige Ladisic, the editor in chief of The Daily Tar Heel, told me Tuesday that most students on campus were thrilled for the basketball team but that the looming N.C.A.A. sanctions were threatening to ruin the party.
“We feel a little conflicted here,” she said.
People back home in Oak Island, N.C., and elsewhere who know that she attends North Carolina have joked with her, asking if she has taken any fake classes, she said. But it’s not funny, and should be an embarrassment to all students and alumni, that for nearly two decades the university offered classes that were a sham.
“It does kind of hurt a little because this whole thing could have been resolved already,” Ladisic said. She explained that, as a journalist, she saw the benefit of the N.C.A.A.’s taking its time to get things right. But as a basketball fan, she said, she wished the N.C.A.A. would have hurried up and sanctioned North Carolina already so the program and its players could move on, the way Syracuse did."
"On a conference call Monday, Boeheim bristled when a reporter asked him how hard it was to run “a clean team” and be successful at the same time."
"His North Carolina counterpart, Roy Williams, keeps saying how happy he is that basketball hasn’t been implicated in the university’s scandal.
“I’m very proud of the fact that we have no allegations against basketball,” he said again this week. “I like that part.”
But the fact is, basketball players were among the first North Carolina players to take the phantom classes. That’s the truth, even if Williams seems to want to keep tweaking it."
“To say they’re not involved, I just don’t know how you get there,” said Dan Kane, the Raleigh News & Observer reporter who helped break the academic scandal story. Kane, who continues to cover the story, took pains to note that he had no position on North Carolina’s eventual punishment or its presence in this year’s tournament."
Here are some great excerpts from this fair and balanced article.
"Secretly, perhaps even subconsciously, N.C.A.A. officials must have been rooting against a North Carolina-Syracuse matchup in the men’s Final Four. Any two teams but those. Any.
The organization must be cringing because while a Tar Heels-Orange national semifinal features two classic programs in a classic matchup, it also guarantees that an unwanted guest — academic fraud — will be front and center on its biggest stage."
"Paige Ladisic, the editor in chief of The Daily Tar Heel, told me Tuesday that most students on campus were thrilled for the basketball team but that the looming N.C.A.A. sanctions were threatening to ruin the party.
“We feel a little conflicted here,” she said.
People back home in Oak Island, N.C., and elsewhere who know that she attends North Carolina have joked with her, asking if she has taken any fake classes, she said. But it’s not funny, and should be an embarrassment to all students and alumni, that for nearly two decades the university offered classes that were a sham.
“It does kind of hurt a little because this whole thing could have been resolved already,” Ladisic said. She explained that, as a journalist, she saw the benefit of the N.C.A.A.’s taking its time to get things right. But as a basketball fan, she said, she wished the N.C.A.A. would have hurried up and sanctioned North Carolina already so the program and its players could move on, the way Syracuse did."
"On a conference call Monday, Boeheim bristled when a reporter asked him how hard it was to run “a clean team” and be successful at the same time."
"His North Carolina counterpart, Roy Williams, keeps saying how happy he is that basketball hasn’t been implicated in the university’s scandal.
“I’m very proud of the fact that we have no allegations against basketball,” he said again this week. “I like that part.”
But the fact is, basketball players were among the first North Carolina players to take the phantom classes. That’s the truth, even if Williams seems to want to keep tweaking it."
“To say they’re not involved, I just don’t know how you get there,” said Dan Kane, the Raleigh News & Observer reporter who helped break the academic scandal story. Kane, who continues to cover the story, took pains to note that he had no position on North Carolina’s eventual punishment or its presence in this year’s tournament."