Today Law Enforcement Officers that lost their lives in 2016 are being honored at a Memorial Service in Washington DC. Their families gather in DC every May 15th for this Service where they meet families that have been through similar situations they also place a flower on a wreath in remembrance of their loved one at the service. This is truly a moving experience that if you ever have the opportunity I hope you will attend. The Fraternal Order of Police and Concerns Of Police Survivors (COPS) sponsor this every year. COPS has seminars for family members who lost a loved one in the line of duty and provide a support group. This organization is made up of Survivors and has grown from just a little over 140 members in 1984 to over 37000 today. As a retired LEO and the proud parent of a LEO I want to thank everyone on here that is a LEO or has been a LEO and their families and to know that you are in my prayers everyday.