I was going to post this a couple of weeks ago but was a little reluctant because it wasn't sports related in anyway. Two weeks ago I was at Mia's Pizza in Creedmoor picking up an order to go when I noticed a fundraiser jar for a teenager with Leukemia. When I asked about him the manager said they were having a fundraiser for Noah Perry age 15 from Wake Forest and that his family was there for the event. I spoke to his parents to ask if I could put him on my prayer list at Church. They said that anyone I could get to add him to their prayer list would be appreciated. Mom said that he got to come home for a short stay but had to go back to Duke Hospital for treatment. She went on to say how her and her husband had to spilt time staying at the Hospital because they had other children at home. This is such a terrible disease as any Cancer and I can't imagine what I would do if it was my kids or grandkids. When I was sick I had people on this site from all over USA and even other Countries to add me to their prayer list and it got me through some pretty tough times the power of Prayer is a wonderful thing.