I'm interested in reactions from those who attended the State/unc game. Some of my reactions - the crowd was great - there was more blue than I would have liked, but not nearly the amount as in previous years. (Note: State fans - don't bring your unc friends to this game!). The refs let both teams play - there were fouls committed by both teams that weren't called - I think Y7 was in shock and frankly didn't have much of a game. LF seemed to get the memo and began bodying up on defense. AF had a better game - driving the ball, but if the ball is in his hands, he won't pass, even if he is driving 1 on 3 or 4. TD plays his heart out - seems to give his all. KK is cobbling together a team with some "misfit" parts - we were in this game in spite of shakey defense and unc shooting After the last few years, I'm optimistic.