The son of Wayne “Smoke” Hubert, a longtime football equipment manager at N.C. State, Hubert started out as “Puff” when he hung around the team as a kid before becoming “Smoke” on his own.
At every step of the way, Hubert got one shot and only one shot. There are no second chances on the football field when you’re Hubert’s size. At Middle Creek, he became N.C. State-bound quarterback Garrett Leatham’s favorite target, but college interest in a 5-5 receiver was limited – a total of two recruiting letters and no offers.
Great kid. Grew up with Wayne...going head to head at Method gym many a time. And at Mount Vernon Elementary school. Hope he makes the roster!
The son of Wayne “Smoke” Hubert, a longtime football equipment manager at N.C. State, Hubert started out as “Puff” when he hung around the team as a kid before becoming “Smoke” on his own.
At every step of the way, Hubert got one shot and only one shot. There are no second chances on the football field when you’re Hubert’s size. At Middle Creek, he became N.C. State-bound quarterback Garrett Leatham’s favorite target, but college interest in a 5-5 receiver was limited – a total of two recruiting letters and no offers.
Great kid. Grew up with Wayne...going head to head at Method gym many a time. And at Mount Vernon Elementary school. Hope he makes the roster!