I asked this in the thread discussing the "Wolfpack Hustle" coach's show, but didn't get a response... so thought I'd try again here. Curiosity's got hold of me...
From the show and clips from pregame and halftime of the Kerliner game...
Noticed in the visitor's locker room the blatantly subtle "NC" on every locker.
I say "blatantly subtle" because, though it was woodgrain and light, it was over and over and over...
What are other visitor's locker rooms like? Is this the norm? What is our visitor's locker room like? Do we have subliminal Tuffies scattered all around right at eye level???
From the show and clips from pregame and halftime of the Kerliner game...
Noticed in the visitor's locker room the blatantly subtle "NC" on every locker.
I say "blatantly subtle" because, though it was woodgrain and light, it was over and over and over...
What are other visitor's locker rooms like? Is this the norm? What is our visitor's locker room like? Do we have subliminal Tuffies scattered all around right at eye level???